Book Resources

  1. The FibroManual: A Complete Fibromyalgia Treatment Guide for You and Your Doctor by Dr. Ginevra Liptan is my go to resource for myself and my clients on this fibromyalgia healing journey.
  2. Follow Dr. Liptan’s research and resources on her website and YouTube channel. She often posts educational videos on YouTube, and runs an online store called Frida Botanicals that sells herbal, CBD, and magnesium products to ease fibromyalgia symptoms.

  3. The International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute, founded by Tami Stackelhouse, supports patients in finding hope and freedom from fibromyalgia symptoms. She hosts the highly popular Fibromyalgia Podcast and provides extensive training for fibromyalgia patients interested in becoming Certified Fibromyalgia Advisors and Coaches.

  4. Another important entity in the fibromyalgia community is the National Fibromyalgia Association, founded by fibromyalgia patient-advocate Lynne Matallana. Back in 1998, when I was first diagnosed, I subscribed to their glossy magazine-style monthly newsletter. For years, this was my only lifeline for information on fibromyalgia treatment. Today on their website, you will find myriad resources and news about treatment approaches for fibromyalgia, as well as updates on fibromyalgia research.

  5. The Support Fibromyalgia Network, another organization to have on your radar, was founded by my friend and coaching colleague Melissa Talwar. Melissa was a teenager when she was diagnosed, and is passionate about letting everyone in the fibromyalgia community know they are not alone. Support Fibro’s main mission is to invest in training fibro patients in grassroots advocacy and leadership and to create a supportive environment for fibromyalgia patients to thrive. Check out the resources on their website.

  6. The Fibromyalgia Podcast, Episodes 23 and 41

    ● In Episode 23, I share about my journey with fibromyalgia, and Tami Stacklehouse and I discuss the difference between counseling and coaching as well as my process of becoming a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach©️ after having been a psychotherapist for 25 years.

    ● In Episode 41, I focus on Posttraumatic Growth and discuss Laurie’s story—my client who is featured throughout the book.

  7. Health Rising is an organization that was formed in December of 2012 by Cort Johnson with the goal of eradicating chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia. Their work is dedicated to finding answers for patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, and providing support for patients. I have found Health Rising to be a valuable source of information about current research and treatment options. You can check out their website here.

  8. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a concise summary of information on fibromyalgia.

  9. The American College of Rheumatology has a patient fact page of information about fibromyalgia that is extremely helpful.

  10. If you are interested in learning more about the impact of health and wellness coaching on fibromyalgia patient outcomes, this article from the BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Journal is very helpful.

  11. If you would like to explore the ACEs Quiz I reference in Chapter 4, you can do so here.