Dear Fibromyalgia Warrior,

Welcome.  I am so glad you are here!

The fact that you are tells me a few things about you:

  • You are tired of struggling with the restrictions that fibromyalgia puts on your life.
  • You are determined to stay as active as you can so you can participate in your life and keep up with your family, friends and pets, and contribute in your job and/or focus on activities and creative projects you enjoy.
  • You are ready to take back control of your health because you are not done with life yet!

If you are anything like my clients, most of whom (but not all!) are age 50 and better, you are probably trying to figure out how to make this next chapter in your life the best chapter. I know exactly how you feel because of my own personal experience in managing fibromyalgia for the past 20 plus years.

  • You may have been contending with fibromyalgia for many years, like me, but recently symptoms that were more or less manageable are spiraling out of control.  You may be afraid you are not going to be able to keep working as long as you had planned or keep up with your spouse, children, grandchildren and friends.
  • Or your diagnosis of fibromyalgia may be recent and you are realizing that life can throw you a curve ball when you least expect it. You may be relieved to finally have an explanation for your symptoms but you are feeling alone and overwhelmed and hardly know where to start to manage your symptoms.
  • You are disappointed that you don’t have the energy to do the things you want to do and days of high pain and brain fog and sleepless nights are robbing you of the joy of living.
  • And you are also dealing with a challenging set of side-kicks that seem to accompany fibromyalgia, things like thyroid or adrenal gland issues, hormonal imbalances, sleep conditions, autoimmune illnesses, the effects of accidents, surgeries, many types of severe stress, trauma and more.
  • It is so hard to find competent medical providers who understand and are able to help and you are wondering if things are only going to get worse as you get older.
  • You may also be struggling with emotional issues like anxiety, loneliness, depression and PTSD that are related to fibromyalgia. You may be actively grieving the life you used to lead and may feel left out and lonely and misunderstood by your family and friends and sense a lack of social support.
  • You may feel hopeless and spiritually bereft because there seems to be no meaning in your constant suffering. And you are very tired of being so sad and frustrated.  You are not only frustrated but feeling guilty and ashamed that you can’t get on top of your symptoms. 

You are not alone in feeling this way and I am here to tell you that it is not your fault

If you are like me and my clients you are not a person who gives up easily. You have always had the determination to push through to get things done. You probably have tried a lot of things to feel better that cost a lot of money only to find that they are only minimally helpful, not helpful at all or may have actually make things worse

I hear you.

You are in the right place.

I have also been down that dead-end road.

It is not your fault that the traditional medical community has little to no training in treating fibromyalgia. It is not your fault that fibromyalgia research is grossly underfunded.  

You may be discouraged, but you have been thinking there has got to be a better way to handle living with fibromyalgia and the good news is there is!

It is time to go down a different road

It is time to put together all that information that you have been collecting into action and learn how to create a life of more joy and less suffering as you manage fibromyalgia by:     

  • learning how to prioritize your health and wellbeing
  • practicing radical selfcare without guilt or apologies
  • restoring and replenishing your energy
  • reducing pain and brain fog
  • moving forward through grief and loss
  • calming your nervous system, processing traumatic stress 
  • understanding what your precious fibro body needs from you
  • creating a life of meaning and purpose
  • believing in yourself again and finding a supportive community
  • feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time
  • developing reasonable expectations of yourself
  • making choices that are good for you
  • looking forward to the future


Hi!  I’m Dr. Robin Pfaff, a certified Fibromyalgia Wellness Coach and Certified Health and Wellness Coach with over 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist and educator, who also has fibromyalgia. You can find out more about me HERE.

  • I am here to guide you through this process of getting your fibromyalgia managed in a way that supports the life you want to live.
  • Since, I too, have fibromyalgia, I know how truly frustrating it is to try to cope with a chronic illness and also keep up with your life.
  • I, too, am determined to be as heathy as I can be, while managing fibromyalgia so that I can be present for my own life as a coach, a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister and friend.
  • I can show you how to believe in yourself again, how to build your capacity to make positive changes.
  • I can lead you to a transformation that will have showing up for your own precious life and loving your life again.
  • Because you are not done with life yet.

You have reached a place in life where now is the time to focus, not only on your physical health, but also on your emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.


Are you ready to take the first step?

  • If you are ready to connect with all the reasons you want to live your best life while managing fibromyalgia please accept my invitation to set up a 45-50 minutes Flourishing with Fibromyalgia Wellness Breakthrough Session.
  • The charge for this focused time together is usually $247.00 but it is offered to you FREE of charge to encourage you to go down a new road and take charge of your health and learn to love your life again.

There are three simple parts to the Breakthrough Session, I will ask a lot of questions about your journey with fibromyalgia, I will answer all your questions about what it would look like to work together and if you and I think it is the right fit for both of us I will tell you how to get started. Sound good?

Schedule a free Flourishing with Fibromyalgia Wellness Breakthrough Session with me.  This is for you if you are ready to take action to reach your health goals.

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