Could One Conversation Change your Life?
I vividly remember two telephone conversations I had in December, 2017 that changed my life.
I was struggling with a massive Fibro Flare triggered by our move from southern New Mexico to Denver, Colorado in January, 2017, exacerbated by an overwhelming lower back injury.
I was in constant pain. I was barely sleeping. My brain fog was so bad sometimes I couldn’t string two thoughts together.
I did not have any idea as to how or when I might feel better.
The saying, “with Fibro we are not faking being sick, we are faking being well” described me exactly.
The first conversation was with Dr. Ellen Albertson, a National Board Certified Health and Wellness coach, who had received her training through Wellcoachesschool.com.
She told me about a research study Wellcoaches participated in assessing the impact of health coaching on the outcomes of a small group of Fibromyalgia patients.
Their FIQR, fibromyalgia impact scores, improved by a significant 35% as did scores of other measures in the protocol.*
Dr. Alberston told me I would love the Wellcoaches training program and the positive focus of the world of coaching.
She said “You could specialize in working with women with fibromyalgia”.
If I retrained as a health coach I could work from home, coaching Fibro clients all over the world on the phone and online.
There was a Wellcoaches online training program starting in January, 2018.
This definitely got my attention.
The second phone conversation was with Tami Stackelhouse, founder of the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute.
She was running a beta or test training program for Fibromyalgia Advisors and Coaches that was, you guessed it, also starting in January, 2018.
So, I did what anyone in the midst of a dealing with a terrible Fibro Flare and back injury would do, LOL…
I signed up for both programs right then and there and I have never looked back!
I entered the new year of 2018 knowing I had made a brave decision that would change the course of my life.
I will save the story of how I completed my health and wellness coaching training and recovered from the massive Fibro Flare and back injury for another day.
But, what about you?
Have you been dealing with your fibromyalgia for so long you can’t even imagine there may be a way to feel better?
Have you been carrying the burden of your illness by yourself and the thought of talking to someone who truly understands and who has been in your shoes is so refreshing?
Could this December be the time when a simple conversation changes your life?
Would it be possible for you to enter the new year knowing you too had made a brave decision that could change the course of your life for the better?
I still have a few openings in my calendar for a FREE Breakthrough Session to see if we would be a good fit to work together.
Wouldn’t that be a great way to start the new year knowing you have made an investment to take back your health?