It’s Time to Renew, Revitalize and Love Your Life Again!
What do the words renew and revitalize bring to your mind? What would bring a light to your eyes, joy to your steps?
Sometimes we are so focused on managing our fibromyalgia and coping with all the hard stuff we forget to remember the things that make our hearts sing, the things that bring us joy, the things that we love about our lives. Am I right?
Spending time with my family always energizes me and brings me joy.
Ways to renew and revitalize
- Take a few moments to visualize it. What it would look like for you to bring something new and vital and fun into your life this spring? Experience it with all your senses. See, hear, smell, feel and taste how it could be. Vital things are alive, strong and flourishing. Feel the joy and elation in your body as you allow yourself to step into this imaginal reality.
- Create a treasure map, a collage of all the things this new vital thing will bring you. Doing something fun and creative brings your visualization to life. I received a text from a client, Laura, as I was writing this, who had several disheartening setbacks recently. She sent me a graphic she had created on a puzzle app to remind her to focus on her healing.
She wrote: “I had fun with it and it was very relaxing, it took my mind off my overactive thinking. I am actually doing much better overall, taking time to care for myself and not feeling guilty about it.” I love that so much, don’t you?!
- Celebrate each and every step along the way. No doubt you’ve had a long and winding journey with fibromyalgia. It makes sense that you would feel bogged down sometimes and feel that you have made no progress. Take a look back to when you first started this journey and see how much progress you really have made. True, you may not yet be where you want to be, but give yourself the gift of acknowledging how far you have actually come.
- Check out the resources I’ve created for you in my social media accounts. You can think of these posts as an inspiration to do your own internal spring cleaning to make room for something new and strong and true to refresh and reinvigorate your precious Fibro life.
As always, if you find you could use some help in remembering what makes your heart sing and bringing back the joy to your life, this could be a great time to schedule a Free Breakthrough Session to chat about how I could come alongside and help you renew and revitalize your life.