Navigating a New Normal
Navigating a global pandemic is requiring all of to manage a plethora of scary emotions and to learn a wide variety of new work skills and coping skills.
This is where developing psychological capital comes in.
Psychological capital is a concept that emerged from positive psychology which is a framework undergirding my approach to coaching.
There are four resources comprising psychological capital that form the acronym HERO which I think is a very timely word for our current situation.
These resources are: Hope, Efficacy, Resilience and Optimism.
Consciously and deliberately seeking to develop these resources of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism is like Making a Deposit in our own Psychological Bank Account. These resources increase our capacity to cope, endure and, dare we hope, to even thrive in the midst of ongoing difficulty and uncertainty.
I am grateful to share how a client describes the powerful and inspiring experience of developing psychological capital as she embraces the reality of living with chronic illness:
“This New Normal is a Good Normal: If it were not for fibromyalgia I would not have learned about life, what really matters and about gratitude, but also about grief and sadness. There is this amazing power or force that just shows up when you need it, like a superpower you did not know you had!Robin, you have guided me and helped me to accept that this new normal is a good normal . You have made me shout from the rooftops, I can do this! I CAN DO THIS!”
-R.F., Norway
I invite your to schedule a FREE Fibromyalgia Wellness Breakthrough Session with me to see if we would be a good fit for working together to help you feel more optimistic and confident as you manage your chronic illness.