Nurturing Your Nervous System by Supporting Your Emotional Well-Being

Life with chronic illness

Dealing with chronic symptoms day in and day out requires perseverance and fortitude and honestly, sometimes we get tired and discouraged about the effort required just to get through the day.  

Many of us grieve for the lives we once had when we could work all day come home and do a second shift of family life, sleep all night then do it all over again.  

Many of us are struggling with the frustration and humiliation of dealing with a healthcare system that has stubbornly refused to learn how to treat fibromyalgia patients. 

Many of us worry what the quality of our lives will be as we age.  We wonder if our golden years will be characterized by pain and suffering rather than the fulfillment of our long-held dreams for retirement.  

I see you.


Emotional well-being

Learning the skills to prioritize our emotional well-being is essential to supporting and soothing our nervous system and thus calming our fibromyalgia symptoms.

An online article on Very Well Mind called “What is Emotional Wellness” states:  Emotional wellness…is a person’s ability to handle their emotions and the varied experiences they encounter in life. The National Center For Emotional Wellness defines emotional wellness as “an awareness, understanding and acceptance of our feelings, and our ability to manage effectively through challenges and change.”


In my Flourishing with Fibromyalgia Coaching Programs we deepen your emotional wellness through a series of essential empowering conversations that create awareness, acceptance and understanding of your feelings and support you:

  • Moving forward through loss and grief and finding joy in your life again
  • Managing stress, reducing and coping with pain and flares
  • Processing grief, loss and trauma related issues
  • Developing a realistic yet optimistic outlook by cultivating resilience and coping power
  • Believing in yourself again and turning surviving into thriving
  • Prioritizing and simplifying your life
  • Embracing the new you and your new normal

Have you been wondering if working with a coach like me on your emotional well-being could help you manage your fibromyalgia more effectively?

Reach out to schedule a Free Breakthrough Session  HERE to see if we would be a good match to work together.